

Institute for Viral Hepatitis,Chongqing Medical University


Key Laboratory of Molecular Biology for Infectious Diseases, Ministry of Education

任红教授团队发表The experience of management of chronic hepatitis B in China.
发布时间:2018-03-15 10:36:59

The experience of management of chronic hepatitis B in China.

Ren H1.

J Viral Hepat. 2017 Nov;24 Suppl 1:4-5. doi: 10.1111/jvh.12793.

PMID:29082643               DOI:10.1111/jvh.12793


During the past 30 years, with the possible biggest population with chronic HBV infection in the world, the physicians and scientists in China have unique experience in the fight against HBV. Even though some drugs are not recommended anymore, but this kind of experience are very helpful for the development of new medicine and strategy against HBV.

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